One of the challenges that comes with the digital billboard advertising booming is that many clients have a difficult time envisioning how a particular advertising campaign will look in its environment.
This After Effects still-image, creative-content template aims to solve this dilemma. Allow clients to get a sense of the space and context of a sign’s environment. The spartan 3D environment will allow your campaign to pop while still giving a sense of scale to your project.
This template, with the help of a separately purchased UV plugin, allows you to run your custom content in the video boards and output Quicktimes for approvals. Utilizing the UV mapping plugin, After Effects will automatically composite your animation into its representative areas. This After Effects template includes a single-view, stylized, still image of LA Live’s Nokia Plaza. The Image includes: views of towers 1-5, Prow, Marquee (partial), Plaza Display, Hotel Mesh (partial), and Hotel Horizontal (partial).